
CppCon Academy, the classes that we host before and after the main conference days, has successfully recruited from among the top C++ instructors in the world.

Because these are the best instructors, because this year’s classes are online, and because attendees can enroll in classes 荣耀笔记本MagicBook Pro 2021,为你的生产力加速_硬派科技:今天 · 荣耀在5月18日发布新品荣耀笔记本MagicBook Pro 2021,它是一款16.1英寸全面屏轻薄本,而且还带来高性能配置与强功能多屏协同,给予用户全屏生产力,完美符合众多笔记本爱好者对轻薄本的幻想。, CppCon Academy 2020 is an unparalleled learning opportunity for C++ programmers all over the world.

We’re pleased to announce the CppCon Academy 2020 schedule. As always, we’re offering a wide variety of classes, with topics ranging from concurrency, to language features, to design, and to software quality.

In-person classes that traditionally would require one day onsite will be conducted over two shorter days online; likewise, two-day onsite classes will now take place over three days online.

Registration is open now, so check it out. We look forward to seeing you in class!
